Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I've moved to tiersareeves.wordpress.com !

Monday, June 18, 2007

Yes, I know...

I have only blogged a few times. I will try to do better. Make sure you check out our VBS pics on our website. Let me know what you think of the mint color and the dad and son pic. Deonna and Lacy stayed with us last week for VBS. It was nice to get to spend time together - although not enough with VBS happenings. Maybe they can come again.

The neatest thing is reading my Father's Day blog from last year. What a difference a year makes. This year we got him a resin monk statue - it is funny - and his diploma framed. That was not cheap but Michael's did a wonderful job - it is beautiful.

Kacey will be 10 tomorrow and needless to say, she is super excited. I will post pics of her party next week. She had her picture made this week - she's really growing. She is growing out her bangs and that is driving me crazy, we are almost there. Email me and I can give you the password to see her pictures. Mason is quickly becoming more involved with kids here in Diana. Last night his friends came and picked him up to go to a swim party. I'm very sure that I am not ready for this, not that it matters, time passes faster and faster. The realization that our family unit will soon be apart is on my mind constantly lately. Especially with Mason and Kacey both gone for a week and the little boys here. I told Jason that this is what it must be like when they go off to college, then get married and have families of their own. I know - sappy right. But it is true. I always thought I would anticipate just the two of us being alone and I have no doubt I will - the only thing is, it will be tinged with times of sadness for days gone by. I pray we are doing enough for them spiritually, emotionally. Will they have the tools they need to be faithful to God and to their families, to be parents who embody grace, to look back and be glad we were the family God chose for them? It is a huge responsibility and I am feeling more inadequate than ever the closer it gets to the time when they will make their own way. Who thought we would be the right people to parent four precious souls...

My plants outside look horrid. We haven't finished the edging and with the rain, they all look blah. June, you say, I am fully aware of the late hour with an unfinished yard. When the rain stops for more than a day, let me know.

My favorite songs for today are Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Kaulana Kanekoa, and Broken and Beautiful by Mark Schultz. Go to Wal-Mart music downloads to listen. SOR is not cheesy like Judy Garland's version. It is the one that was played when Dr. Green died on ER.

We are having a plethora of vegetables being brought to us by members of the congregation. Squash, collard greens, sweet corn, new potatoes, lettuce, green beans, cabbage, cucumbers, you name it. As I write there is a trash bag full of vegetables brought just this morning. What a blessing! There is nothing like fresh vegetables from the garden, they taste completely different. Thank you all!

By the way, I highly recommend Bath and Body Works home fragrance oil in warm apple pie. It makes your whole house smell yummy! :)
We have been getting closer to a sweet family here - the Gannons - Joseph, Lucinda, Derek and Caelan. They are so funny! We have enjoyed spending time together. Joseph is the assistant band director at New Diana and Lucinda stays home with her babies. She has a degree in Math, who knew?

That is all for now, I have to go grocery shopping today, joy joy.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I've been trying for days...

to blog - for some reason Blogger won't allow it. WOW! Look! Jason has graduated from Dallas Christian College. I cannot tell you how proud I am of him and all he has accomplished - not to mention sacrifice. We, as a family, are so thankful to God that He has carried us through. Jason will start graduate school this fall at Lubbock Christian University. This has been a long, but good journey and I feel this is just the beginning.... Allan graduates from Austin Grad Sunday so we will be going to Marble Falls to celebrate with them, as they have celebrated with us. Jason and Allan will be attending a Sermon Seminar at Austin Grad this week. I will be helping Carrie-Anne all I can for their move (she will be at work) and I will also be working on VBS for Graceton. This was my first Mother's Day ever away from our families. It has been nice to spend time just with my children, but it was very sad not to celebrate with my mom and Mamaw and Dee and Julia. I missed them. We have been growing butterflies lately. We have had 9 emerge from their chrysalis and have already set them free. We have 4 left and are sad to see them all go. We had to go to a lot of trouble to feed them and if it wasn't for Craig they would have died (he provided the milkweed). My sweet friend Amy has been back in touch with me lately. I am so very glad - I miss her and her heart.
You should read her blog...
Who has time to blog like that - not me, of course, I have always looked up to her. She is quite the Wonder Woman!
ok so here goes -
13 Reasons I am thankful this week
Thursday Thirteen
  1. my family is healthy
  2. and happy
  3. and all in my house
  4. and I love them.
  5. I got to see my family and friends in Mesquite this weekend.
  6. Jason is through with school - for now.
  7. our butterflies are beautiful - and people say there is no God.
  8. Graceton is a good place for us - we love the people and they are still excited we are here
  9. VBS is soon and I am excited about that!
  10. our kids are playing and I think that is sweet - so good to hear them laugh and enjoy each other's company - we have Batman, a magician (thanks Aunt Dee for the wizard hat), and Mr. Incredible.
  11. Jason is off today - when was the last time that happened when we didn't have commitments - mmmmmm - let me see..................................................................
  12. I am excited to be going to visit Allan and Carrie-Anne and their girls.
  13. Yay, Blake! I am not sure who will win American Idol, but I am glad these two are left, although Blake was robbed of his happy moment, people booed b/c Melinda went home, and they didn't announce he was a finalist. Jordin and Blake both have potential and Melinda will do well anyway.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sayanara Sanjaya!

Ok I haven't blogged in 6 months and I am finally inspired - Sanjaya is GONE! WooHoo!

Enough of the hoopla. Things are going very well for us lately. Church is good. Kids are good. Jason and I are better than good. Things are good. We are taking turns praying for each family of our congregation. This is such a blessing. It really makes a difference to pray for people individually. I mean we pray for our kids and families and friends and even those who are sick or struggling, but it is not often we take the time to pray for just people for no reason. It's nice. On the 3rd Wednesday night of the month at Graceton, the men of the congregation lead service - songs, poems, devos, prayers, etc. anyone who wants to can be a part and participate in whatever they feel comfortable in. It really gives people a chance to serve. I am so proud to say that all 3 boys have been taking part lately. It is so sweet to hear your children pray, lead songs and read scripture to bless others and praise God. I cannot tell you how that makes my heart feel. Their little sweet voices, and Mason's deep voice are enough to inspire me for weeks. Such a blessing. The picture of Easter was taken after the fact and after everyone had already changed clothes, so take that into consideration. Please be in prayer for a dear man named Ron Bozell. He has a form of leukemia - they cannot seem to get his platelet count up..He is special to our family and we love him tremendously.
For some reason I get so emotional when I blog. The kids are going with my in-laws today for the weekend - again, WooHoo! Time alone with Jason. Need I say more...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Well, Deonna

has frequently reminded me it is time to update my blog. And yes, I am ashamed it has been a month since I have taken the time to blog. Wish I could say it won't happen again, but...

I read Liz's blog and cannot believe how her kids have grown and are actually adults - well Ashley.

Big news! Well, most of you know, but as of August 20th, we have a job! Yay! Jason is the pulpit minister for the Graceton Church of Christ in Diana, TX. It is about 2 1/2 hours away in beautiful East Texas. The town of Diana has about 1200 people and is unincorporated. That means 10 miles to Sonic and 17 to Wal-Mart or any grocery store for that matter. The area is beautiful! It is so dark at night and you can actually see the stars. Right now we are going every other week to preach and will make the big move on December 15th. The kids are excited and nervous. It will really be a time of adjustment for them, so please pray for their hearts. They will miss our family.

The people at Graceton are so sweet and thoughtful. They take us home every week for lunch - yes all 6 of us, the kids have just taken our kiddos in and made them feel right at home - On Sunday afternoons, they are outside doing something. The congregation is re-painting, and cleaning, and updating the parsonage for us. It is just so nice to be so well taken care of. We are not even "there" yet and they are so concerned with our needs. The house is a 4 bedroom 2 bath. I cannot tell you how excited the kids are about having their own space! Plus 2 pottys and a dishwasher. They think it is the greatest thing ever! I will be putting the kids in school. Wow! Big change for us all! Please also pray for us all that we will adjust well and that the kids and me will be ok with them is school. It will be different for them b/c I won't be sitting right beside them, b/c Mason will have to take notes, and write out full answers instead of doing things orally, etc. We have a lot of practicing to do. Also, I will really miss them. I am sure I will eventually enjoy the time alone.

Huge thanks to Deonna! She has gone down with us every other weekend and helped with anything and I do mean anything without once complaining. I am so blessed to have her in my life - to be so involved and love me so much! I love you, Dee.

I have waited to post this until we got pics. Of course, I deleted them from my computer, so it will be a little longer on that. I just couldn't wait any longer to let you all know how God has blessed us so richly. I cannot tell you what a burden has been lifted knowing that we already have a job - and quickly I might add. Not to mention we are a perfect fit! Jason and I have prayed all along that God would make it clear where we need to be. I am nervous about being the preacher's wife - bless their hearts, I am what they get - not exactly my idea of a preacher's wife. Jason and I are eager to serve and are so glad this is the place God intends us to be involved in.

OK - 13 Things About 2 of My Kids Being Sick.
  1. I hate viruses. Especially the sore throat and sore in the mouth kind.
  2. Tons of soup
  3. and Gatorade
  4. and Tylenol
  5. and Advil
  6. and crackers
  7. and staying home
  8. and Lysol
  9. and new toothbrushes all around!
  10. We are a little stir crazy - go figure.
  11. We were supposed to visit Allan and Carrie-Anne this weekend - maybe we still will if no one runs fever today.
  12. Lots and lots of hugs and kisses on the cheek and "Mommy is so sorry you are sick"
  13. I am sure when they are grown and away from home I will miss even times like this. I will miss taking care of them and loving them, and knowing I am doing my best to make sure they get better and trying to ease their pain. It will be someone else's responsibility. I only hope the cherish even the "sick times" as much as me.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

13 Things I Love About Fall
  1. Our Anniversary - such a sweet day for me. I simply love being Jason's wife.
  2. The wind blowing through my hair - such a nice breeze, and my windchime sounds beautiful
  3. Leaves changing colors - the best are at Queen Wilhelmena State Park in Arkansas
  4. Pumpkin picking and decorating
  5. Fall scented candles
  6. Thanksgiving - Gigi's dressing is my favorite
  7. Apple cider
  8. Wearing jeans and jackets and cool socks and brown clothes
  9. The smell outside is wonderful
  10. The Fair - YAY!!!
  11. Going to fall festivals with the kids all dressed up
  12. Starbucks has fall and winter flavored coffee - yummy!
  13. The weather - I love to sit outside with Jason and just enjoy being together - it's great

Monday, September 11, 2006

Liz and Jenny tried this, so I thought I would too...

Click here to go to the website, they take words from your blog and make a collage - it was fun.