Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sayanara Sanjaya!

Ok I haven't blogged in 6 months and I am finally inspired - Sanjaya is GONE! WooHoo!

Enough of the hoopla. Things are going very well for us lately. Church is good. Kids are good. Jason and I are better than good. Things are good. We are taking turns praying for each family of our congregation. This is such a blessing. It really makes a difference to pray for people individually. I mean we pray for our kids and families and friends and even those who are sick or struggling, but it is not often we take the time to pray for just people for no reason. It's nice. On the 3rd Wednesday night of the month at Graceton, the men of the congregation lead service - songs, poems, devos, prayers, etc. anyone who wants to can be a part and participate in whatever they feel comfortable in. It really gives people a chance to serve. I am so proud to say that all 3 boys have been taking part lately. It is so sweet to hear your children pray, lead songs and read scripture to bless others and praise God. I cannot tell you how that makes my heart feel. Their little sweet voices, and Mason's deep voice are enough to inspire me for weeks. Such a blessing. The picture of Easter was taken after the fact and after everyone had already changed clothes, so take that into consideration. Please be in prayer for a dear man named Ron Bozell. He has a form of leukemia - they cannot seem to get his platelet count up..He is special to our family and we love him tremendously.
For some reason I get so emotional when I blog. The kids are going with my in-laws today for the weekend - again, WooHoo! Time alone with Jason. Need I say more...