Saturday, June 24, 2006

Yes, I forgot

Well, this week started off great with Father's Day. We got Jason some socks and a really nice statue called "Victorious Lion of Judah" in the Masterpeace Collection. It is really pretty! We were all very excited to see the look on his face. It was really good to spend time with our extended families. Deonna and my mom gave my Daddy a coupon book for landscaping of his yard. What a great idea! It needs help. Of course, I gave him a wonderful book called Point Man by Steve Farrar - oh, did I mention he has already read it?

So Congratulations and Admiration go out to all of the men in my life whom I love and cherish and adore with all my heart. Happy Father's Day!

I miss our extended family sometimes and we live so close. What will it be like when we move? Hmmm.

Bowen has been taking a lot of pictures of himself lately, thought you would enjoy this one...

Kacey turned 9 this week. I will never forget seeing her tiny face when she was born. Her features were just as tiny as her body. Her complexion was flawless. She was absolutely beautiful. My Papaw loved to hold her tight in his arms - she was a snuggler. She has been a continuous source of joy for me and Jason. We cherish her heart for God, her loving and mothering spirit, her sense of style, her individuality, and her ever present smile. Thank you, Father, for blessing us with her. We had a really cute partyfor her friends, lets see if you can guess the theme... We decorated flower pots, ate flower cake, made giant paper flowers - like at Six Flags, and planted flowers. Any ideas?

As my kids grow, it makes me sad when I think about how little time we have left with our children in our home. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am excited to know them as adults, see them with their own families, watch their dreams come true, or not... I just know I will miss hearing their voices whisper good night prayers, singing songs before bedtime, showing concern for each other showing they care, and just hearing them say I love you. The heart of a mommy has to be tough to be willing send your babies off into the world and leave home.

OK - finally - the "Saturday" Thirteen - in honor of Dads - things I think about on Father's Day

  1. My Daddy and My Jason
  2. Love
  3. Protection
  4. Faithfulness
  5. A genuine heart
  6. Unwavering love
  7. Admiration
  8. Respect
  9. Honor
  10. Adoration
  11. Showing Christ's love for his children
  12. Being a daddy, not just a dad
  13. Commitment

Jason preaches tomorrow - both services and class. I am always so nervous for him. It is odd how I am so worried what other people think. It is quite ridiculous. Why does that concern me? I really don't know. Well, that was fast. Unfortunately laundry beckons. Maybe next week I won't forget.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

First of all, I haven't even blogged yet - signed up a while ago and - poof - life seems to be taking up all my time.

Anyway, aren't Deonna and I cute! Look at her face - pure sweetness and total abandon.

I've been reading Jenny's blog and love the 13 Thursday idea, so here goes....not necessarily in this order.

Thirteen Things I Am Thankful For

1. My sweet husband, Jason, who loves me so sweetly.
2. Mason, Kacey, Jacob & Bowen - they make me smile inside.
3. My girl friend Carrie-Anne - I love her!
4. Terry being in our home - he is such a joy. I will miss him when he leaves. : (
5. Jenny's blog. It encourages my heart. I also started reading Captivating and am loving the change in my heart.
6. Wow - 13 can be hard... Let me see...Music.
7. Bunco night.
8. That my ENTIRE family - extended and immediate - is healthy!
9. A clean house.
10. Father's Day - what an opportunity to tell all the men in your life how much you love and appreciate them.
11. That I have so much laundry to do - I could have nothing to wash...
12. My precious little sister, Deonna. I am sure she wouldn't like how I put that, but she will always be my baby sister. God has used her to bless me more than I can possibly describe. One of the best things is how she smiles at me when I walk into the room. You know the little things mean the most. Maybe I will do a 13 Thursday just for her.
13. My Savior - literally. The God who pursues me with such tenacity. Who loves me and will never leave. I am overwhelmed at His faithfulness to me. WOW and WOW! I am so blessed...